About Me


I’m a twenty-eight year old dealing with Hypermobility Syndrome (HMS), which is sometimes categorized as Ehlers Danlos Type (III). I was  finally diagnosed in 2012 and have since lived with tapes, slings and guards on most parts of my body. It’s been one hell of a life-altering ride.

I don’t claim to be an expert in HMS or EDS and I defnitely don’t have it all figured out. I’m just one of the many out there who suffers from a rare, chronic and invisible illness and keeps going. My intention here is to simply put together all aspects of living and dealing with HMS/EDS, including the loss and gain – both of which, I believe, are essential to who I am today and who I become tomorrow.

I read, write, dream and create.

I tend to be very honest towards my pain and its needs. I think pain is real and there’s no need to hide it from people or distract ourselves from it. It’s a part of our reality and existence on this planet and we can work towards embracing it. Pain is nothing but our body’s attempt to communicate with us that something isn’t quite right; that something needs to change. I’ve realized that distracting from pain leads to a lot more suffering than one can even imagine. My approach is to listen to pain, tend to it, and let it guide me to what needs to be done next.

I also teach Creative Meditation to both kids and adults.  I believe our creative energy and potential can be effectively utilised to remove the not-so-nice things out of our system and to help us deal with stress better. I teach how to use art and intricate patterns as tools to look slow down, look inwards, practice mindfulness and gratitude. It’s a great way to kick-start your meditation journey if you’re new to it or find it overwhelming.

Currently, I volunteer as a coach (guide/be-friender) to children with troubled childhoods.  I’ve always believed that our childhood environment affects us deeply and  that having a strong support system is  the most fundamental building block that shapes our initial growth. I’m happy to be a part of someone’s support system and do what I can do with what I have.

I am Personal Empowerment Coach and work with people seeking empowerment in their personal lives, especially on the fronts of healing, mental & physical health and relationships. I believe that my personal life experience + skills & strengths + volunteering & teaching experience + a certification in Life Coaching will allow me to make a difference in the lives of others by first doing so in mine. I believe in running my business from the heart and my passion for extending help supports this belief.

Pain might be a part of life for now but I choose to suffer less, make necessary lifestyle changes and manage my predictably unpredictable life to the best of my ability.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from my life up till now is to always have a sense of direction, and, to remember that life can have completely different plans. It’s not so much about these ‘plans’ as much as it is about how gracefully one can adapt to an unexpected situation. I’ve come to a conclusion that when life takes an unanticipated turn, the best you can do is take it #OneDayAtaTime.

I’ve realized that personal and patient empowerment are both imperative to healing and this journey that we are on. My goal is to continue empowering myself so that I’m able to help others empower themselves.

This is my journey. My tape story.


Manasi Dalvi


16 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Well Manasi, this has been a very eye opening experience. I had been very sad with myself and feeling lost and on some days unable to get out of bed unless I needed a drink of water. To see you taking care of yourself so much just to do be a little normal just made me realize how lucky I am. I’m sorry that I’m posting thisanonymously but I’m still a coward who is afraid of getting out of bed. I really hope that you feel better soon. You have been a source of immense inspiration to me. Your narration of the pool incident was a little sad but your touch of humor made me smile a little. Hope you feel better soon and keep on fighting. It inspired me to go out and achieve something.


    1. Hi there, thank you so much for the kind words and wishes!I feel sad and lost sometimes too – it usually takes a while to start feeling better again. The pool incident used to make me feel quite ridiculous initially, but I’ve become okay with it over time. At least it made you smile a bit :) I’m really glad that my blog has inspired you and that you’re feeling better! Hope you continue to feel inspired and achieve whatever you wish to. Thanks for reading up! Take care.


  2. Hi Manasi, way to go dear. You are a brave women. You have faced challenges and have overcome them with your confidence. Keep smiling young lady. Take care, lotza love :)


  3. Hi Manasi,
    You are truly an inspiration.A very brave girl indeed.Just wanna tell you keep up the confidence and keep smiling always.And also its amazing that u r sharing ur story so that could help so many people.Wishing u all the best for your future.



  4. Hello Manasi! Nice to fnd your corner. I love your bwriting, you courage and positive attitude. This is very important. God’s ways are not ours. Being strong is the best way to face the ups and downs of this world. Even those who seem to have it all really do not. Bravo and may your light shine brighter every day!


    1. Hello Ngobesing Romanus! Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and for leaving behind such kind words :) You’re right – the only way forward is to be strong and keep taking small steps. I wish you a wonderful day!


  5. Hello! I am so pleased to find your blog, I too have Hypermobility and the day to day pain is something I don’t think needs to be kept secret. Reading about other peoples experiences makes it easier to live with. I get on with my life as best I can, I work and travel but everyday I am reminded that there are limitations compared to what I was used to 4 years ago. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there,

      I’m very sorry for not responding earlier – it’s strange that I couldn’t see your comment on my WordPress until just now. You are absolutely right. I don’t think there’s any reason to hide the pain, especially when there are wonderful reasons for sharing it (like building a community and realizing that we aren’t alone). I know what you mean about being reminded about the limitations. I’ve grown to just respect those and take actions based on any new information I receive about my own body. I wish you lots of love and hope you’re always able to do what you enjoy!



    1. Hey Arvind! Thanks for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger award :)
      I’m not doing too well at the moment and barely spend much time online. I’m afraid I’d have to look into that a bit later. I hope that’s fine. Thank you so much again! This was indeed a pleasant surprise.

      P.S. You’ve got a great blog!

      Liked by 1 person

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