Hi Everyone! It’s finally time for me to share with you what I’ve been working on for a while now, other than looking after my health needs. I am so excited to share this idea with everyone and I’m looking forward to developing it further.

So here it goes!
I’m designing a personal journal meant to compliment our effort of creating and chasing bigger life goals, by keeping us more present and mindful of what we have today. It is a lifestyle journal to remind us to slow down, to accept who we are and love ourselves, and to be grateful for all that we have in the present moment.

ODAAT is a personal system to aid a change of perspective, to understand our thoughts and emotions at a deeper level, and live a more inspired life. It contains various practical tools from Positive Psychology and encourages creativity, compassion towards self and others and most importantly, helps us direct our energy into today instead of tomorrow. This journal helps us gain a stronger understanding of ourselves before we reach out to those around us. It also contains fun tasks specifically designed to open our heart and mind to the love around us.

One Day At A Time has been my ✨Manntra for a quite sometime now. My intention is to share this Manntra with those who are in a similar situation as I have been in, or with anyone who feels the need to live life differently. These are tools that I’ve been practicing and using in order to deal with the insane twists and turns my life has taken over the past few years.
That’s all for now! I’ll keep everyone updated as I continue to work on this :) 💕

Lots of love,

7 thoughts on “#ODAAT

    1. Thank you for your support and encouragement! I’m still working on developing it further and I can’t wait for it to be done. It’s exciting because I’m starting to see bits and pieces of it coming alive :)


  1. I pinned this to my fibromylgia/EDS/chronic pain time management board, can’t wait to see the final project! I’d be happy to link to them on my website once you get your final marketing plan worked out :-) Medea


    1. Hi Medea,

      Thank you for pinning it! :) I’m so glad that you did! Thanks for offering to link it onto your website too – that sounds like a fantastic idea! I’ll surely let you know once my final marketing plan is in place. There’s so much to figure out and I’m really excited. I’ve got to keep telling myself that it’s okay to review the time frame every once in a while depending where my body is at that point. I’ll continue working on it slowly and see what comes out of it.



      1. Slowly but surely :-) I’m always telling my patients to make sure to pace themselves. Guess who always goofs and ends up overdoing it…..? Me. Lol. So I completely understand your need to go with the timeline your body allows, no pressure. And if your product ends up taking off with huge demand, you’ll be able to afford an assistant to do whatever you don’t have the energy to do yourself – woo hoo!
        – gentle bendy hugs, Medea


      2. Thanks! I’ll keep you updated about how things go. You’re right, it’s all easier said than done. I’ve been learning to pace myself and work with my body and yet I mess it up every once in a while. It’ll be great to have an assistant to help with things that can get physically challenging :)
        – lots of love, Manasi

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